Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Annotative Bibliography

Annotative Bibliography

All Psychology Careers. Web. 07 Apr. 2010.
The creditability for this site seems to be very good but I am not very familiar with this particular site to know for a fact. The two are often confused and said to be the same, when in fact they are totally different. Before I found this website I completely lost and very confused about which to choose. There is also a lot of information about the career. On this page there are links that will lead you to other sites that are helpful as well. This site also offers a video on counseling psychology that talks about how hard the career is but is worth it because of the joy you get out of helping someone. Helping others out, especially children was exactly what my goal was in picking a career. I will be able to use little information in my essay that comes from this site, it was more a personal learning experience.

American Psychological Association. APA. Web. 01 Apr. 2010.
In this source the organization gives a lot of information about psychology. There are many different tabs that you can access depending on the information that you are looking for. The thing that I found most interesting was the career portion on the site. The career parts gave me a lot of information and actually lead me to my final decision in career choice in psychology. The site is not very appealing in the sense of color and being catching the reader’s eye. However all the information that it gives makes it appealing. I am learning a lot about psychology that I never knew before from this site. I am planning on using a lot of the material I read on this page in my background part of the paper.

EBSCO. 17 May 2004. Web. 07 Apr. 2010.
This database will be really helpful with writing my essay. It deals with the controversy of whether or not psychologists should be able to prescribe prescription drugs. So far psychologists are only allowed to do this in two states out of fifty. There a lot of controversy’s about the topic that has been dealt with over the years. Many psychologists don’t even want this privilege. Although those that are allowed in New Mexico and Louisiana are making almost twice as much money as they did before. Many do not like the idea because they say that psychologists are not qualified to prescribe drugs to anyone. This source have great credibility because it is from a health magazine and is strictly facts.

Garbagnati, Alfred. Personal interview. 5 March 2010

This interview was helpful but I felt like I would have gotten more out if it if I knew exactly what I wanted to ask him. I had some ideas of what I wanted to know but nothing specific. I feel like the specifics are the things that I need to know right now. This is very reliable source because he had been around psychology for years and years and knows so much about it. He helped my see the pros and con’s and what I would need to focus on the most in the schooling process. For essay purposes I don’t think that I would be able to use anything that he said because it was too general, but for personal purposes he gave me a clearer understanding. One of the things that stood out the most was he told me that you are only responsible for what you can control. Going into the psychology world I think that this will be a really important aspect to understand.

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